5 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Metode Reduced Difference Expansion pada Data Hiding dengan Teknik Interpolasi Citra

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    Dewasa ini penggunaan internet sebagai media untuk bertukar informasi menjadi hal yang lazim dilakukan. Sebagai salah satu jalur komunikasi utama yang kerap digunakan, maka perlindungan terhadap data yang ditransmisikan melalui jaringan internet harus digiatkan. Salah satu usaha untuk melindungi data yang sensitif adalah dengan teknik steganografi. Saat ini metode data hiding yang banyak dikembangkan adalah Difference Expansion (DE). Kekurangan dari metode ini adalah diperlukan adanya sebuah location map untuk menentukan posisi bit data rahasia yang ada dalam sebuah piksel tertentu. Hal ini dikarenakan tidak semua piksel dapat menyimpan bit data dari pesan rahasia karena nilainya yang terlalu tinggi atau terlalu rendah. Metode lain yang dikembangkan dari metode DE adalah Prediction Error Expansion (PEE). PEE dikembangkan karena tuntutan penambahaan kapasitas pesan yang dapat disimpan pada sebuah citra stego. PEE tidak membutuhkan location map karena proses penyimpanan pesan dilakukan secara sekuensial. Penelitian ini mengusulkan metode data hiding yang digabungkan dengan teknik interpolasi pada citra digital untuk menambahkan kapasitas data rahasia yang disimpan. Dengan menggunakan sebuah citra digital yang dibagi menjadi blok piksel tidak tumpang tindih berukuran 3Ă—3 piksel, kemudian dilakukan interpolasi untuk mendapatkan prediksi nilai baru piksel. Pesan rahasia dimasukkan ke dalam citra yang baru menggunakan dua kali proses penyisipan. Proses yang pertama dilakukan penyisipan pada piksel yang nilai barunya berasal dari proses interpolasi, sedangkan proses penyisipan yang kedua dilakukan pada piksel referensi yang tidak diinterpolasi. Diharapkan penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah metode penyembunyian data yang dapat meningkatkan kapasitas data dalam sebuah citra namun dengan resiko sedikit penurunan kualitas yang mungkin terjadi. ================================================================= Nowadays Internet is used as a media for information transaction on a daily basis. As one of main communication line, thus the protection for the transmissed data via Internet must have been done. One way to protect the sensitive data is to perfrom steganography technique. The most developed data hiding method is Difference Expansion (DE). The disadvantage of this method is the requirement to make a location map to decide which pixels are used to hide the secret bits. This happened because not all of the pixels could be used to hide the secret bits because the value of the pixels are too high or too low. Another method that developed other than DE is Prediction Error Expansion (PEE). PEE developed to add the message capacity that can be hidden in a stego image. This methode hide the secret data bits based on the expectation values of others neighborhood pixels. Then the secret bits embedded to the new pixel values after added by prediction values. PEE does not need location map because the sequential embedding process. The disadvantage of this method is the decreased quality of stego image. This research proposed a data hiding method that intergrated with interpolation technique in digital image to add the embedded secret data capacity. Using a digital image that interpolated based on non-overlapped 3Ă—3 block pixels, the secret bit embedded in the cover image using two time embedding processes. The first embedding process will be done to the result of the interpolated pixels, and the second embedding process will be done to the reference pixels using the uninterpolated method.. This research expected to be a new data hiding method that can improve the data bit capacity with the risk of reduced stego image quality

    Blitar’s indigenous knowledge promotion through local content collections at Blitar Public Library

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    The public library is one of the institutions that have the function and task of preserving indigenous knowledge. Recorded in the form of collections stored in the library's local content service consist of printed books, e-books, and audio-visual collections use social media, especially Instagram, can facilitate the dissemination of indigenous knowledge information to local content collections in public libraries. This study aimed to produce media to promote Blitar's indigenous knowledge in the form of infographics with information sourced from the local content collection at the Blitar Public Library. Research method used development method and the Four-D development model with product development stages consisting of defining, designing, developing, and distributing. Respondents in this study were the people of Blitar, media promotion experts, material experts, and expert practitioners (librarians). In this study, product trials were carried out on three aspects consist of material, visual, and language. Based on the trials and validity tests results, it concludes that Blitar's local content promotion media products in the form of infographics are suitable for use with revisions. Blitar local wisdom infographics increase the reach by maximizing the use of hashtags and scheduling infographic uploads at the best times. Local content promotion media products in infographics form produced in this development research are quite good.  However, there needs to be some improvement especially on material aspect.  The material that was carried did not represent all local wisdom topics in Blitar

    Pelatihan Peningkatan Kompetensi Pustakawan Sekolah Se Malang Raya berdasarkan SKKNI 236 Tahun 2019

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    Kompetensi menjadi tolak ukur untuk menentukan kapabilitas seseorang di masa depan. Kurikulum Perguruan Tinggi menjadi pentinn untuk disusun berdasarkan SKKNI terbaru. Pada bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan telah terbit SKKNI No 236 Tahun 2019 yang telah merubah peta kompetensi dengan unit-unit kompetensi yang terbaru. Sehingga perlu untuk menjaga kualitas lulusan sebelum SKKNI terbit dengan melakukan pengabdian berupa pelatihan pada alumni yang belum mendapatkan kompetensi tersebut. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan saat pre-test alumni rata-rata mendapatkan nilai cukup, setelah post-test rata-rata mendapatkan nilai sangat memuaskan

    Penerapan Otomasi Perpustakaan Sekolah di Malang Raya

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    Berdasarkan data Kementrian pendidikan dan kebudayaan, sebanyak 34.19 persen sekolah di Indonesia dari 34 provinsi, belum memiliki perpustakaan. Padahal sesuai amanat UU No 43 Tahun 2007 hendaknya lembaga pendidikan termasuk sekolah ditunjang dengan perpustakaan. Perpustakaan tentu harus mengiringi perkembangan jaman dan mampu untuk memberikan layanan berbasis teknologi. Berdasar hal tersebut dan fakta bahwa tidak semua perpustakaan sekolah berjalan sesuai standar perpustakaan apalagi memanfaatkan otomasi perpustakaan. Maka pengabdian dalam bentuk pelatihan ini menjadi solusi dari gambaran permasalahan diatas. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini ialah ceramah, pelatihan dan pendampingan. Diikuti oleh 34 peserta dari pengelola perpustakaan Se Malang Raya yang terdiri dari Sekolah Swasta, Sekolah Negeri, Pondok Pesantren. Saat pelatihan aplikasi otomasi perpustakaan 100% terinstall pada laptop peserta dan dapat digunakan. Sehingga pengelolaan perpustakaan yang manual sudah terbantukan dengan otomasi perpustakaan dan meninggalkan proses manual/paperbased service ke arah perpustakaan digital. Kendala yang dihadapi peserta ketika monitoring dan evaluasi ialah dukungan teknis penyediaan hardware yang belum dipenuhi oleh pihak sekolah. Saran dan tindak lanjut dari kegiatan ini ialah ditingkatkannya pada tahap lebih lanjut yaitu inovasi layanan dan akreditasi perpustakaan.Kata kunci: otomasi perpustakaan; perpustakaan digital; perpustakaan sekolahImplementation of School Library Automation in Malang RayaABSTRACT  Based on data from the Ministry of education and culture, as many as 34.19 percents of schools in Indonesia from 34 provinces, do not yet have a library. Yet according to the mandate of Law No. 43 of 2007 educational institutions including schools should be supported by libraries. Libraries certainly have to accompany the development of the era and be able to provide technology-based services. Based on this and the fact that not all school libraries run according to library standards let alone utilize library automation. Then this service in the form of training is the solution to the picture above problems. The methods used in this service are lectures, training and mentoring. Participated in 34 participants from the library manager of Se Malang Raya consisting of Private Schools, Public Schools, Islamic Boarding Schools. During training, the library automation application is 100% installed on the participant's laptop and can be used. So that manual library management is helped by library automation and leaves the manual / paper-based service process in the direction of digital libraries. The obstacle faced by participants when monitoring and evaluation is technical support for providing the hardware that has not been met by the school. Suggestions and follow-up from this activity are to be improved at a further stage, namely service innovation and library accreditation.Keywords: library automation; digital library; school librar

    Antecedents of leadership strength toward teacher self-efficacy for online learning quality based on COVID-19 pandemic

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    The online-based learning orientation that is currently being applied is one of the efforts to overcome the pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education sector. Whatever the situation is, learning must preserve children's rights to get the quality learning. The study aimed to determine the effect of spiritual leadership and transformational leadership on online learning quality, with teacher self-efficacy as a mediating variable. This study used a quantitative approach, with the research population consisting of principals and elementary/junior high school teachers in Tana Tidung Regency, North Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Data analysis in this study used SEM, with the help of Amos 24.0. The results showed: (1) spiritual and transformational leadership have a partial or simultaneous influence on teacher self-efficacy; (2) spiritual, transformational leadership, and teacher self-efficacy have a partial or simultaneous influence on the quality of online learning; and (3) spiritual and transformational leadership has an indirect influence on the quality of online learning through teacher self-efficacy